Information in English

The Norwegian Association of Archives
The Norwegian association of archives (Arkivforbundet) is a nationwide Norwegian organization for institutions within the field of preserving and dissemination of archives according from private and public legal entities.

Arkivforbundet was founded in September 1986, by 20 Norwegian archival institutions. The background was the need for a professional forum, to improve the work for private archives, and to organize professional work involving archives of institutions outside the National Archival Services.

Arkivforbundet organizes 130 organisations. The members of Arkivforbundet are municipal archives, intermunicipal archives, county archives, national institutions, museums, libraries, municipalities, businesses, and historical associations.

Arkivforbundet is the voice of the Norwegian archive institutions towards the national cultural authorities. One of the important goals is to work for a solid development of a national politics of archives. This politics must embrace private and public archives as integrated parts of the national memory and as extensive documentation of Norwegian society.

The national politics of archives must also involve a strong involvement of public funding for the sector as a whole and both as operational support as well as a significant support of professional projects. Operational support to archive institutions is required to lift the sector of arcives up to the level where it can fulfil its administrative and cultural responsibility. The economical support of private archives is essential to secure them more than the marginal resources for the work with arrangement and registration that help to prevent an uneven national memory.

Arkivforbundet is also working for raising the standard of the Norwegian work within the field of Norwegian archival work. It is of significant value to offer seminars to its members where political and professional questions can be discussed.

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location_on Forsvarsmuseet
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location_on Microsoft Teams
message Landsmøte i Arkivforbundet på Microsoft Teams fra 9-11.
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